What is that threshold or extra “push” when you take a deep breath or yawn?


Like your lungs fill up as usual, but this time there’s this extra “push” that feels so refreshing

Edit: I forgot the colon after and that just feels gross

In: Biology

5 Answers

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As you breathe, there are little air sacs in your lungs that inflate and deflate. The membrane around these is very thin ( to allow gas transfer) and fragile.

During normal breathing you only use a small number of these air sacs. The unused air sacs partially collapse, due to their fragility and the lack of aire pressure keeping them in shape.

But when they collapse, they fall in on themselves and usually, repair quite quickly. However, they need a stronger-than-normal pressure to fill up and inflate again. This is what yawning does – The greater amount of air you take in reinflates the collapsed air sacs and replenishes the oxygen transfer in your lungs.

The extra push you’re referring to is these semi-collapsed air sacs filling up again.

You ever noticed how after a yawn, you seem to breath longer breaths? its because your lungs are working at a higher capacity again.

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