What is that threshold or extra “push” when you take a deep breath or yawn?


Like your lungs fill up as usual, but this time there’s this extra “push” that feels so refreshing

Edit: I forgot the colon after and that just feels gross

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So our normal breathing is what we call the tidal volume, a certain amount in and certain amount out per breath at rest.
We call breathing in, inspiration. And breathing out expiration.
The total amount of each is called the inspiration capacity and expiration capacity, respectively. That just means it’s the amount of air we can force in and force out.
The difference between the two, or the max amount we can pull and then totally released is the vital capacity. This tends to be about 4800ml for an adult male, a little less for the average female. However that’s not all the air in the lungs. There’s a bit more( about a liter) that is trapped in a way, in your lungs and thoracic (chest) cavity. It’s function is to just sit there and prevent big changes in lung pressures and volumes. It stays relatively constant but can change as a result of many things including diseases such as emphysema.

If you have more questions or want a more in depth answer, just look up breathing volume curves and read away.

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