What is the 80/20 rule and why does it work?


What is the 80/20 rule and why does it work?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s other examples of 80/20 rules as well. Usually to do with the behavior of individuals at the extreme of a bell curve as a subset of a group.
80% of alcohol is consumed by the 20% of people that drink the most

80% of medical costs (US) is incurred by the 20,% of people that consume the most medical services.

I bet 80% of Wikipedia edits are made by the 20% most active users.

80% of political yard signs are posted by 20% most politically active people (I made this up, but would bet $1 it’s true).

80% of reddit comments made by 20% of users? Also would bet $1 this is true.

I’m sure there are other examples.

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