What is the anthropic principle


What is the anthropic principle

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the idea that the whole universe revolves around humans. It’s like some of the ancient ideas that the universe revolved around our planet or our sun.

It’s presented, like all illusions, from a strange angle, however, with entertaining truths like: “If the planet was just a few miles this way or that, humans couldn’t survive” And a host of other things that are in fact true but neglect the fact that the same things are true about the titmouse as well.

The whole universe works together in a complex way to create the titmouse! If any one of a zillion variables was off they couldn’t exist! It’s like god tuned the universe to create the titmouse!

It’s one of those things that falls apart under the tiniest rational scrutiny but is more than enough to convince a believer. (since they already were convinced).

Just another human hubris dressed up in pure white robes

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