What is the concept of Umami?


I’ve heard people say that it’s the feeling of “Satisfaction” while tasting something. It’s supposed to be present in a lot of unrelated foods like tomatoes, mushrooms, MSG, soy sauce, etc. How does a human “taste” Umami?

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4 Answers

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Umami is the fifth taste we have identified being tasted by the tounge. The word Umami have Japanese origin where it was first isolated but a better English word might be Savory. The Umami taste is caused by an ammino acid called glutamate which is one the ammino acids that forms proteins in human and many other animals and plants. So a lot of protein rich food taste a lot of Umami. You can also isolate the glutamate and bind it to sodium instead of in a protein chain forming Mono-Sodium Glutamate which is the pure form of Umami. This can be compared to pure sugar, salt or acid and can similarly be added to food to make it taste more savory.

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