what is the difference between 2nd cousin and 1st cousin once removed

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what is the difference between 2nd cousin and 1st cousin once removed

In: Biology

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whether they’re part of the same “generation”

Suppose I have a cousin A. I have a child B, and A has a child C.

B and C are second cousins. B and A are first cousins once removed. C and I are first cousins once removed.

The number of “removes” is how many unequal generations apart you are. My first cousin’s child is my first cousin once removed, my first cousin’s grandchild is my first cousin twice removed, etc.

The number of “cousins” (first cousins, second cousins, etc) is how many equal generations apart you are. So the children of first cousins are second cousins to each other. The children of second cousins are third cousins to each other, though relationships past second cousins are rarely relevant to real life.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

2nd cousins share a great-grandparent. 1st cousin once removed is the child of your first cousin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sibling1 and sibling2 have kids, A and B.

A and B are cousins (first cousins)

A’s kid and B are first cousins once (one generation) removed. A’s kid’s kid and B would be first cousins twice removed, and so on.

A’s kid and B’s kid would be second cousins to each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Start from cousin on the family tree. Take a horizontal step, that’s second cousin. Take a vertical step, that’s once removed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First cousin – One of my grandparents is also one of your grandparents.

Second cousin – One of my great grandparents is also one of your great grandparents (but we don’t share a grandparent).

First cousin once removed – One of my grandparents is one of your great grandparents, or vice versa. (“Once removed” means that you’re one generation apart)

Anonymous 0 Comments

The parent of your 2nd cousin is your parent’s cousin. The parent of your 1st cousin once removed is your cousin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM79Epw_cp8

TLDW 2nd cousins share a great grandparent, and 1st cousins share a grandparent, but the shared person for 1st cousins once removed is a grandparent for one and a great grandparent for the other

Anonymous 0 Comments

A first cousin is a person who shares one set of grandparents with you. The children of your first cousins and the first cousins of your parents are your first cousins, once removed.

A second cousin shares a set of great-grandparents with you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Count the number of generations back to the first common ancestor for both “cousin.” Use the shorter distance to figure first-second-third. Same great grandparent, second cousin. Same grandparent, first cousin. Same parent, well, that’s your sibling (zeroeth cousin?).

If it’s a different number of generations on each side, the difference is the number of times removed.

Abe’s great grandparent is Betty’s grandparent, they’re first cousins once removed.

Charlie’s great grandparent is Dottie’s great great grandparent, they’re second cousins once removed.