What is the difference between a minor and major note in frequency?


I’m trying to program a song using note frequencies and when I look up the notes they are all major (like C which has a frequency of 261), but then in the music sheet there are major and minor notes and I don’t know the difference in Hz. I should also say I don’t know anything about music and I don’t really grasp the concept of chord and note and the difference between them.

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A chord is generally several notes played at the same time. On a piano, D Major is D, F sharp, and A, for example. D Minor is D, F, and A.

Using your system of applying note frequencies, you’ll just need to look up which notes at which position produce which frequencies. You’ll need to get a full list or use some scientific method of recording them and creating a readout that tells you the frequency.

For the piano, there’s a mathematical equation that produces the frequency ( *f* ) of any given note (n). *f*(n) = (12 **√**2 )^n-49 x 440 Hz.

With all that said (in case you wanted to do it yourself?) here’s a list of frequencies for every single key on a piano. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_key_frequencies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_key_frequencies)

To play a chord using that system, just run the frequencies of each key in the chord simultaneously.

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