What is the difference between an engine built for speed, and an engine built for power


I’m thinking of a sports car vs. tow truck. An engine built for speed, and an engine built for power (torque). How do the engines react differently under extreme conditions? I.e being pushed to the max. What’s built different? Etc.

In: 3108

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Y’all I don’t know what a compression-extraterrestrial-supercalifragalisticexpialidocious-ratio is😭 You guys are a supposed to explain like I’m 5, not like I’m Einstein😭. Then again I could just be dumb but so are 5 years olds so🤷

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I’m thinking of a sports car vs. tow truck. An engine built for speed, and an engine built for power (torque). How do the engines react differently under extreme conditions? I.e being pushed to the max. What’s built different? Etc.

In: 3108

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Y’all I don’t know what a compression-extraterrestrial-supercalifragalisticexpialidocious-ratio is😭 You guys are a supposed to explain like I’m 5, not like I’m Einstein😭. Then again I could just be dumb but so are 5 years olds so🤷

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