What is the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2 herpes viruses?

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I know 1 is usually oral cold sores and 2 is genital herpes. But what’s the difference in the actual infection/disease when you have it? And what’s the difference between a coldsore, coldsore outbreak, and herpes? Can you have type 2 oral herpes? Does 99% of the population really have HSV-1 just because everyone gets “coldsores?”

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You got a great answer already but I want to address your last question directly. Yes, 3/4 of any population has HSV1, often acquired in early childhood from simple family kisses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So there’s not much of a difference between the strains. Hsv1 is USUALLY oral, and hsv2 is usually genital, but you can get either or in other locations.

Meaning you can have hsv1 genitally and hsv2 orally. Strain doesn’t = location.

Though, each strain does have its preferred location. Imagine it like a plant.

Hsv1 LOVES your mouth. It’s thriving like a plant that requires an environment that’s damp 24/7, a bit warm and dark.

So this means it’s more likely to shed and is more contagious than hsv2 orally.

Hsv2 LOVES your genitals. It’s like a plant in its preferred environment again.

Now what happens if we swap it out of its preferred location?

It doesn’t thrive as much. It’s less likely to shed, less contagious and less outbreaks.

Hsv1 oral and hsv2 genital are the most contagious. Hsv1 genital and hsv2 oral are a LOT less contagious and less likely to cause outbreaks. In fact, hsv1 genitally tends to be a “one and done” case, meaning you get one outbreak your whole life. It’s the least contagious out of the strains and location.

Now, cold sores are herpes. They can transfer to almost anywhere on your body. There’s people who get cold sores on their legs or armpits, even.

Anyone who thinks cold sores is “different” from herpes is just coping lmao. Cold sores are cold sores and cold sores are ALWAYS herpes. There’s no difference between herpes and cold sores because cold sores ARE herpes.

An outbreak just means you’re having an active sore or prodrome symptoms. Prodrome means you’re having physical symptoms without the sores, it usually happens before you get a sore but sometimes you won’t get one. It can range from nerve shocks, swollen lymph nodes to small tingles. It’s on the person with HSV to tell what their signs are.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you get HSV-1 on your dick, it typically does not recur like HSV-2. This information is worth sharing, but please don’t ask how I know.