what is the difference between “metal” and “rock” music?


They just sound so similiar, i cant really tell a difference

In: Other

7 Answers

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All of music really fits on a big sliding scale, and ultimately there are no official rules, just personal opinions and some general concensus.

Looking at the genre of rock, at one end you have something like blues music, which starts to get progressively louder and more distorted until you reach what we consider as rock music, and if you keep going further with heavier distortion, louder feeling music with more screaming and shouting you end up in the world of metal.

To get a rough idea, compare a rock band like the Who or Led Zeppelin with a metal band like Machinehead or Slayer and you should hear a difference – though it is worth mentioning that this is something hugely obvious to someone used to those genres, but perhaps not as clear if you have never really listened to louder guitar music much.

The thing is that there are no rules, and endless ways you can play music – slot of metal has loud, shouted vocals, but not all of it. Some of it is sung in a very operatic/classical fashion. Some metal can be very technical and guitar based, others much simpler. Or there are bands combining influences from completely different genres like jazz, electronic or country music to create hybrid sounds with elements from genres that are nothing alike.

I think the most important thing with music is to listen to absolutely everything you can, and try and be open to new experiences and sounds. There are no rules regarding what music is good or bad, or where exactly the line is drawn between rock, metal or punk. Give everything a shot, and enjoy listening to what appeals to you, whatever anyone else says.

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