what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?


what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?

In: 33

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fatigue is simple tiredness. If you get a good night’s sleep, you’re not tired any more, and you can go back to work as usual the next morning.

Burnout is mental and physical exhaustion, from *constantly* being ‘on the job’ in one way or another. It’s the stress of *having* to work, when you’re already giving all you have to give and you’re expected to *somehow* find more in your totally-depleted reserves.

As an example: when the job you once loved has become a chore that you merely ‘tolerate’, you’re probably burned out.

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what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?

In: 33

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fatigue is simple tiredness. If you get a good night’s sleep, you’re not tired any more, and you can go back to work as usual the next morning.

Burnout is mental and physical exhaustion, from *constantly* being ‘on the job’ in one way or another. It’s the stress of *having* to work, when you’re already giving all you have to give and you’re expected to *somehow* find more in your totally-depleted reserves.

As an example: when the job you once loved has become a chore that you merely ‘tolerate’, you’re probably burned out.

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