what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?


what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?

In: 33

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you give 110% all the time, you overdrain your stamina. That’s burnout. You’ve overspent what your body is capable of

If you give 110% at work for a day, don’t be ashamed to give 70% for the rest of the week. You need to be able to recover.

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what is the difference between ‘normal’ fatigue and a burnout?

In: 33

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you give 110% all the time, you overdrain your stamina. That’s burnout. You’ve overspent what your body is capable of

If you give 110% at work for a day, don’t be ashamed to give 70% for the rest of the week. You need to be able to recover.

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