What is the difference between the internet, TCP/IP and the WWW?


I understand all three concepts are inter-connected, but would love to get an ei5 explanation of each and how they’re related. Thank you in advance.

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7 Answers

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The internet is the global network of computers. To talk, they need to speak a common language and need to know where to find each other. IP (Internet protocol) is the language they use to talk, and IP addresses are just that, their address to deliver the messages to.

TCP is a way to control that conversation (think about the way you acknowledge when someone says something by going “uh-huh, yeah, OK got it”, that’s kind of what TCP does.)

Finally, when the internet first started becoming popular, a man called Tim Berners-Lee invented a way to allow you to refer to another document in your document in a way that would allow you to easily click on the reference to take you to that other document. He envisaged these documents as forming a web of interconnected documents spread across the world; a world wide web (www).

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