What is the difference between the internet, TCP/IP and the WWW?


I understand all three concepts are inter-connected, but would love to get an ei5 explanation of each and how they’re related. Thank you in advance.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m going to keep this short to be as ELI5 as possible.

Internet is exactly what you think you know if it as. It’s just the global network of interconnected computers that serve up data to your browser or your app or whatever.

TCP is just the concept of individual packets of binary data. They have a specific binary structure which identified the type of the data and then the data itself and the a signature to declare that the message has ended.

IP addresses are the most literal way of identifying a single computer on a network, like the internet.

WWW isn’t really anything. When people used to make sites that were intended to be public, they would often use the subdomain www. That concept is mostly dead, but it’s the same thing technologically as Gmail being on the mail subdomain of Google (so it’s address is mail.google.com), but www doesn’t have anything meaningful, it was just kind of a fashion statement.

EDIT: It’s worth noting that the www subdomain was so ubiquitous that most sites still have to handle it, so any big site like Google will just forward www.google.com straight to google.com so that people who assume that the www is important to a URL won’t end up in a missing location.

EDIT: Correction for above: google.com redirects to www.google.com, but ironically Google’s own browser, Chrome, always hides www subdomains because they’re meaningless.

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