What is the difference between the internet, TCP/IP and the WWW?


I understand all three concepts are inter-connected, but would love to get an ei5 explanation of each and how they’re related. Thank you in advance.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They aren’t different.

The Internet is the word we use for the overall interconnected network of computers that we use on a day to day basis now for all sorts of things.

TCP/IP is one of the communication protocols used on The Internet. The other is UDP/IP. Without those two, the Internet as we know it today wouldn’t exist. Though it’s probable that someone would have come up with a different protocol to use.

“www” is just a short cut for World Wide Web, which was a term used back in the early days of web sites to describe them. It’s not used as much any more, we just call them web sites.

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