What is the difference between theory and law in science?


For example: theory of relativity and law of gravity.
I googled this but answer wasn’t clear to me.

In: Other

7 Answers

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Ever seen a book called “<something>, Theory and Practice”?

The “Practice” part tells you if you drop an apple, it will fall to the ground. This is enough to know **what** will happen, based on other people trying it and seeing what happens. Everybody can understand this and apply it in their daily lives.

The “Theory” part explains **why** the apple falls to the ground. The average person may or may not need to know this, but it’s there just the same. This is where you go when you want a deep understanding of the subject… in this case a physicist or engineer.

In this example, the “Practice” is the same as a “Law”.

Put another way, technicians understand practice. Engineers understand theory. But those are big words for a 5 year old.

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