What is the difference between what dietitians do and what nutritionists do?


What is the difference between what dietitians do and what nutritionists do?

In: 315

24 Answers

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This is all very interesting to me. I am a licensed social worker and in most US states now “social worker” is title-protected and you cannot call yourself one without an accredited degree and passing a certification (bachelors level) or licensing exam (most masters). Other “human services (totally unregulated curricula) or criminal justice folks get very upset when social workers point out these are not all the same. But I’ve supervised teams with certified social workers alongside somewhat adjacent professions (all doing the same job), and there is a difference. Of course there is variability and overlap w/skills and professional framework, but in general there are obvious differences.

So I think after reading this I can get where it’s coming from.

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