What is the difference between what dietitians do and what nutritionists do?


What is the difference between what dietitians do and what nutritionists do?

In: 315

24 Answers

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Whenever this question comes up it’s a chance for folks to vent on their feelings and ideas about alternative nutrition.

I just want to vent on the licensed dietician thing. My wife didn’t understand her major well enough when she was steered there as an 18yo fresh out of high school. Studied nutrition and wound up taking a very demanding pre-med BS from one of the best schools. Only to find out the job opportunities in 1989 were lab assistant or registered dietician at a hospital, both paying about $12/hr. Wound up working for a weight-loss company for a while but that was more like therapy than dietician work, and she had no training in that, was very emotionally stressful. So she went back to waiting tables and became a massage therapist, both more fun jobs that payed a lot better. A hospital dietician is in charge of making sure you get a bowl of jello on your tray of yummy yummy hospital food.

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