What is the difference in “persons” and “people”?


And when would they be used properly?

I grew up using only “people” then I feel like one day the words “persons” started to get used in society and I don’t know why or when to use it.

In: 209

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The difference largely depends on context.

*Fowler’s* has an interesting entry on the matter.

In a legal context, the difference can be important. It may also be used in formal speech to avoid ambiguity when referring to individuals operating separately rather than a group.

There’s also the distinction of a people (the people of Iraq, the Jewish people, etc.) Interestingly, I’ve heard *persons of color* is gaining traction as an alternative to *people of color*.

In the end, it’s a matter of style (style guide, I mean). Consult APA, MLA, Chicago, OUP, etc. and stick to the applicable one. That’s my advice.

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