What is the Fermi Paradox?


Please literally explain it like I’m 5! TIA

Edit- thank you for all the comments and particularly for the links to videos and further info. I will enjoy trawling my way through it all! I’m so glad I asked this question i find it so mind blowingly interesting

In: 4425

21 Answers

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In [1950](https://youtu.be/zqzMAnPKa_s) at Los Alamos a scientist was talking with his friends

The conversation had them all fully engrossed about this universe that almost has no end

And as they were all about to return to their study

[Enrico](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Fermi) suddenly shouted: *Where is everybody?!*

And he sat down and did a few simple calculations

That indicated we should’ve been visited thousands of times

At least based on his estimations

Well, that’s the Fermi paradox, if they’re out there why don’t we hear them talk

And the galaxy just keeps on spinning, with 400 billion stars in it

And I just can’t believe that we could be unique

When there’s so much space in this galaxy

I want Pandora’s box-

-to be open but instead we’re stuck in Fermi’s paradox

That’s a bit “for fun”, but it gets at the idea. For the amount of *stuff*, there *should* be intelligent life, but we’ve never seen any indication of its presence.

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