What is the hottest temperature humans can survive?

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What is the hottest temperature that a human can survive without dying? I’ve heard people are in certain parts of California and it 122 degrees Ferenheit. Is it physically possible for a human body to withstand that type of heat?

In: Biology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on a lot of different factors:

The air temperature. What the person is wearing. What their activity level is. How hydrated they are.

There are saunas in Korea that go nearly as high as 200° F. If you’re sitting on enough insulation to keep the benches from burning you and you’re not doing a cardio workout you’ll be fine. For a while.

A firefighter in full turnout gear can survive temperatures of 500-800 degrees and do a crap load of physical work for as long as the air bottle lasts. Or until the uniform becomes heat saturated and can no longer insulate the person wearing it sufficiently.

An unhealthy 90 year old may experience lasting medical harm or death by being without AC in a well ventilated home in Texas for a day or 2.

It all boils down to so many different factors there isn’t a single good answer.

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