What is the Martingale system of betting and how does it work?


Also what are some other examples of betting systems?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In principle, it is like doubling your bet after you lose. So bet $1, if you lose bet $2 etc. The idea is that “There is no such thing as an infinitely long losing streak – so eventually you’ll win and break even”.

Problem is: “It doesn’t work”

Most casinos have table limits and minimums. This means you’ll rapidly hit the maximum bet size after you double more than a few times. The problem is that when you hit that scenario, you’d have already lost so much money it is hard to recover. So while you can imagine “I’ll never lose 10 times in a row (which implies a bet 1024x the size of your initial bet)”, once you do, you’d have lost close to 1023x the size of your initial bet.

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