What is the meaning behind the statement: “neural correlates for mental activities”


I am now reading the “Mind Illuminated” where the author states:

>Over and over again, we find there are neural correlates for mental activities. Although some will resist this statement, I believe we will eventually find that all mental phenomena, without exception, have their neural correlates.

A quick search on wikipedia gave me the following definition for a neural correlate:

> the minimal set of neuronal events and mechanisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept.

But how to connect what the authors says and the definition? Is it that when you activate certain neurons in the brain, then you can access a concrete mental state?

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3 Answers

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Brain activity patterns: Things like brainwave pattern or blood flow to certain areas. It is in no way surprising by the way that our nervous system shows specific activity that correlates with certain behaviour. Neural correlates are the physiological underpinnings of thought processes and behaviour, the physiological activity that can be mapped to the research subjects of the discipline of psychology. I would even go as far and state that saying that there isn’t a neural correlate for any given behaviour is the more controversial statement. Cognitive and affective neuroscience are almost exclusively about identifying said neural correlates and their commonalities across people.

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