What is the phisiological response behind people crying when crowds cheer and clap?
I don’t consider myself an overly emotional person. Yet, any time I hear a crowd clapping or cheering, my body has an immediate and involuntary reaction to start crying/hyperventilate a bit but in a happy way?
Yesterday there was a race in my town and I hear someone ring a cowbell and was on the verge of tears. Why?? Rationally, I have no sentimental attachment towards the race, sport, people doing it. Is it just sensory overload? Is it a quick boost of serotonin or adrenaline?
In: Biology
Physiological reasons for tears is to rinse out things. Different causes for things needing to be rinsed out have their own mechanisms that trigger tears being created by the body. In the scenario described I would presume it to be similar to crying due to sadness, which is to help wash away excess stress hormones (yes, even positive experiences are stressors).
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