What is the point in the order you put ingredients in for cooking, or why use other clean measuring cups if they all go to the same thing?


i dont even know

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6 Answers

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Cooking times vary, some ingredients burn more easily, and sometimes you use ingredients with lots of moisture to bring down the temperature of a frying pan for example, and sometimes you do the exact opposite if you want a higher temperature.

If you’re browning beef for example, you don’t want any garlic in the same pan because it would burn, and you don’t want any tomatoes in there because the high moisture content of the tomatoes would bring down the temperature enough so that the meat wouldn’t brown.

If you’re making lentil soup and you want the lentils to disintegrate, you don’t put in salt until the very end because the salt makes the outer layer tougher and more flexible. But if you want the lentils to stay intact, you do salt them early.

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