What is the purpose of labels in the music industry and why do they hold so much power as well making more money than the artists signed?


What is the purpose of labels in the music industry and why do they hold so much power as well making more money than the artists signed?

In: Other

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All these comments are good, but I’d like to point out the main reason labels are needed is because of us, the consumer, and how we really decide what we like.

Music, more than any other product in the world, is one we decide to like because other people like it. Most people don’t really listen to a song and form their own opinion about it. We choose what we listen to based on what we see other people around us listening to and dancing to. Not everyone, but almost everyone.

If everyone actually judged music on it’s merits, you could, in this day and age, have a healthy world of viral hits. But in reality, the people who spend money on music are young people, who want to listen to the music they are told is cool.

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