What is the purpose of the “what do you think was the purpose of this study” question on the end of experiments?


What is the purpose of the “what do you think was the purpose of this study” question on the end of experiments?

In: Other

4 Answers

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To see if your answer is biased. Some people may of taken a similar test and were shown their underlying motives. Once exposed, people tend to answer the opposite of what they feel/see and skew the data.

An example, there is an optical illusion that makes one line look bigger than the other. Most people would say that one line is bigger than the other UNLESS you know the purpose of the study, so you answer the opposite and skew the data.

There are plenty of other examples, look up the blue dot affect, or plenty of other psychological effects. Basically it’s to make sure you arent a biased outlier.

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