What is the real/original purpose of laugh tracks? I get that originally it’s to simulate the feel of a live taping. But why is it still used nowadays?


What is the real/original purpose of laugh tracks? I get that originally it’s to simulate the feel of a live taping. But why is it still used nowadays?

In: Culture

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As social creatures we respond well to certain social cues.

Laughing is kind of contagious, when other people laugh we aare more likely to laugh ourself and the laughing itself releases certain neurotransmitters and hormones that make us happy/feel good.

So by using a laugh track, they trick you into enjoying it more.

We’re complicated creatures and those social cues may be ignored for different reasons, but it influeces us a little.

A show without a laugh track may not be that funny to us, but hearing others laugh encourages us to do the same.

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