what is the relationship between magnetic and electric forces and fields?


Electromagnetism – conceptually what is the relationship between electricity and magnetism (and by extension voltage etc)

In: 7

5 Answers

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The relationships are [Maxwell’s Equations](https://www.fiberoptics4sale.com/blogs/electromagnetic-optics/a-plain-explanation-of-maxwells-equations) but they are quite complex mathematical, the line does include no mathematical explanation and examples.

A simple part is that a change in the magnetic field results in an electrical current in a wire. A changing electrical current causes a chain magnetic field

This is how electrical motors and generator works. Rotate magnets with an external force close to electrical coils and you have an electrical generator with an alternating current output.

Put the same alternating current into an identical device where the magnet does not rotate and the electricity will cause it to rotate. This is an electrical motor.

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