What is the science of food being left out?


I’ve seen hot food get cooler when left out, and I’ve seen cold food get warmer when left out. Would it be possible for warm food to get cooled, and then warmed back up just from being left out?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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I don’t think so, any time you take an object and put it into an environment the temperature of the object will move in the direct of the environment until it reaches a temperature that is the same as the environment.

That is the concept behind cooking in your standard oven.

It is concept behind your refrigerator and your freezer.

Putting an object into an environment will not cause the direct of the temperature of the object to change unless the environment changes.

That is what happens with snow which falls towards the ground but melts before it reaches the ground. At higher altitudes the water freezes and starts to fall as it falls towards the earth the temperature of the air is higher and what was frozen thaws. Which is sort of like your question but only about cold objects.

I did think of a way that could happen but good left out on a counter overnight will drop in temperature but will go back up if the air in the house heats up.

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