What is the space time continuum?


What is the space time continuum?

In: Other

16 Answers

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Well, Billy, you go to school at the same time Daddy goes to work and I jump onto my work computer at home right? What time is it? 830am…now one hour later, where are we and what are we doing? Daddy may have a sale at work, I may be typing an email and you….I’ll be having a snack with Freddy in class! Billy giggles….Now TEN hours pass. What is going on now? Billy thinks…we are all together having dinner and it could be pizza…. Mom smiles….yes, Billy. We were apart and then together and time kept marching on. And during dinner, what do we talk about? Billy says, All the things that happened in our day!!!! Yep….we all have different things going on every day in different places with different people. Each day is different. Grandma, Aunt Megs, Cousin Cindy…..they all have different days and even the whole world of people and animals!!!! Babies and love and sadness and death. All over every second somewhere in our great big world….We all live on Earth in this big Universe like cube bubble thing….Billy laughs….like a star and planet fish bowl! Billy says….Mom is struck…yes….indeed Billy, and time is just the way we count our memories and adventures. They call it Space Time Continum BUT it just means we should cherish every second and know all people go through all sorts of things all the time. Just be loving and kind…kisses….Now, go to bed. I love you.

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