What is the space time continuum?


What is the space time continuum?

In: Other

16 Answers

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Space and time are related to one another.

Humans like to think of space existing, and time passing, but that might not be so simple in all circumstances.

A photon for example experiences no time. None at all. Time does not pass for it.

If you got in a spaceship and went very fast, close to the speed of light, and returned to earth, more time would have passed on earth than in your ship. You would have “traveled through time” upon arriving home.

Why? Because space and time are knit together.

The speed of light is a point where time ceases to exist, and it can almost be thought of as a speed limit. A way of saying “*our universe relates this much space to this much time*”

Continuum just means there aren’t any gaps in it.

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