What is the white residue that is left behind after you spray air duster onto something? What is it and what causes it?


What is the white residue that is left behind after you spray air duster onto something? What is it and what causes it?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It should just be water vapor, that’s also why when you spray the can, it gets very cold. Other than that I don’t remember what it is they use to compress the air inside it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s probably an adulterant to discourage people from huffing the can. Touch the residue with your finger and taste it with your tongue. It’s probably really bitter. That’s my best guess.

Anonymous 0 Comments

white residue is a type of white substance on the dishes, taps left behind after the washing. It looks very bad, so here is the thing about how to get rid of this white residue. [Click here](https://www.bestbuiltinandportabledishwasherdeals.com/2020/05/8-reasons-causing-white-residue-on-Dishes.html)