What is virtualization and how is it beneficial?


I’ve read about it, I’ve watched YouTube videos, I have no idea what I’m not getting.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say you a computer is a like a whiteboard.

You need a 2x3m white board. You can just get one of that size. That would be like getting a physical computer that you need.

With virtualization, instead of getting a 2×3 whiteboard, you (your company, or a hosting company) get a 100×100 whiteboard, and you can rent a 2×3 chunk of it. Now if you realize that 2×3 isn’t big enough for you, you can easily move up to say 4×3. If you needed another chunk you can just rent another chunk of it. It’s very quick to do, compared to going to the store and buying a separate one. Then if you don’t need it anymore you can just stop using it.

What happens if the 100×100 board runs out of space? Well they hosting company will have multiple and they can rent you out a space on a different board. It’s all the same to you because it’s just space.

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