What is virtualization and how is it beneficial?


I’ve read about it, I’ve watched YouTube videos, I have no idea what I’m not getting.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So if you think about a computer, there’s hardware on it right? A hard drive, some memory, processor… But most computers are pretty badly underutilized. Meaning people don’t really take advantage of all the power that they have.

So let’s build a computer that’s really really big, huge amount of memory, great processor, a really great computer. We then write some special software that “breaks up“ all those hardware resources into little individual spheres of software. The great thing about that is each of those separate “spheres“ looks and acts exactly like a real computer! So the first benefit of virtualization is you can have many “guest machines“ running on one piece of physical hardware.

Another way of looking at this is that one computer/logical entity is hard-pressed to use up all the resources available to it. So you take a bunch of those virtualized computers, and they all share the hardware.

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