what keeps an open quarry from becoming a quarry lake?


As far as I know quarry lakes are created over time as rainwater fills the quarry over years. What keeps an open quarry from getting filled the same way when it rains?
Please tell me if the flair is wrong, I estimated this one to be the closest fitting.

In: 266

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pumps. There was a small abandoned quarry behind my college that had turned into a lake. Fun place to have parties and go skinny dipping. But you could see the layout of it – the rail spur that came in, where a crane/gantry had been to load the rail cars, there were still some pump infrastructure in place that I guess wasn’t valuable enough to remove. Had closed before WWII.

I suspect this wasn’t strictly groundwater filling the quarry as the water level was roughly level with one of the practice fields, but it was very still water with a high temperature gradient. Very warm on the surface, but if you let your feet drop it was very cold.

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