what keeps an open quarry from becoming a quarry lake?


As far as I know quarry lakes are created over time as rainwater fills the quarry over years. What keeps an open quarry from getting filled the same way when it rains?
Please tell me if the flair is wrong, I estimated this one to be the closest fitting.

In: 266

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like most people here are talking about rainwater filling a quarry. Often, it really is about the existing groundwater table “filling” the quarry, not precipitation. Think of it more like digging a hole in sand near the water at the beach. If you dig far enough down, you encounter water. The water didn’t run in from the top, or fall in from rain, it was already there. Now, you can use a bucket to quickly scoop out the water faster than it seeps back in. This is basically what is happening at a quarry. The pumps remove the water that is seeping in from the surrounding rock faster than it seeps in. The difference between the sand at the beach and the rock at the quarry is that water typically travels through loose sand much faster. However, if you stop pumping or managing the seeping water all together, the water level will slowly rise until it’s equal to the surrounding water table.

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