What keeps mosquitoes from biting us when we use bug repellent?


What keeps mosquitoes from biting us when we use bug repellent?

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever washed up and used too much w/up liquid, you can taste it in the room, it’s kinda like that for them when we spray repellent on ourselves, the smell deters them so they don’t come close enough to bite

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bug repellant tastes stinky and gross to them, so they don’t want to eat you. Imagine if someone put poop all over the buffet table

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m pretty sure it just makes us taste like shit. Neat little bit of trivia: eating garlic will reduce mosquito bites. It’s because you smell like shit. Also keeps away leeches and vampires

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is there a 100% effective, or close, repellent but, for some reason (smell, stains, etc.), is not practical for everyday use? I’ve been camping and would have been willing to stink like shit and sacrifice my clothes for a bit of relief.