What kind of bacteria is yeast and how can you get an infection of it? Does the infection correlate with sexual experiences or diet?


What kind of bacteria is yeast and how can you get an infection of it? Does the infection correlate with sexual experiences or diet?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on what you mean. You will get better answers if you ask your question with slightly more detail.

If you mean a yeast infection like in a ladies vaginal area, there are several possible causes.

If you mean Candida is an over growth of yeast in your intestinal tract.

Both usually have more to do with diet than sexual habits…..but if a sexual partner has a yeast infection it is possible to pass a yeast infection to your partner during sexual activity.

The best way to reduce yeast in the body is to eat food with lots of probiotics and less sugar. Yeast feeds on sugar. Whatever sugar your body has – whether its natural sugars from fruits and breads or processed sugar from cakes and candy and soda or pure cane sugar from putting too much into your tea or coffee, and worst of all – alcoholic beverages *(especially beer) are fermented yeast products. I used to be a heavy drinker *(alcoholic – 5 yrs sober) but i did alot of research on this because i frequently had the symptoms associated with yeast infections and my research led me to believe it was candida overgrowth. I quit deinking for various reasons. Quit drinking soda and totally minimize sugar products and those symptoms have all gone away.

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