What made early humans migrate to extremely cold places such as Russia to Alaska?


What made early humans migrate to extremely cold places such as Russia to Alaska?

In: Other

19 Answers

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In addition to some of the above. During that period in Earth’s history, caribou were an exceptionally abundant and easily exploited resource. There were available from central France all the way across to Eastern Canada. Simply following caribou herds over generations could get human populations from Eurasia to North America with a pretty good lifestyle and plenty of food throughout the intervening centuries.

Also, during the time that humans were doing that migration, the climate was pretty hospitable. Although humans are tropical primates, we operate really well in the 40 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit range. Go visit some of the backpacking and other outdoor living-type subs and you’ll see that early spring and late fall in temperate areas are the preferred activity times as far as temperature goes. In fact climate change is destroying communities in the Arctic regions presently, because it makes it harder for people to live up there when it’s so warm. Food availability in abundance, in addition to ease of transportation are some of the major present changes.

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