What made early humans migrate to extremely cold places such as Russia to Alaska?


What made early humans migrate to extremely cold places such as Russia to Alaska?

In: Other

19 Answers

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They probably migrated there when it was warmer and the climate changed around them. The Earth was a very different place when our early ancestors were beginning to explore across the world. Siberia, for instance, appears to have been semi-tropical until a couple thousand years ago.

As far as why people would have moved there after they became the frozen hellscapes they are now, people may have been forced further north looking for food and water, or maybe displaced by war or danger and had no other choice. They may have been looking for cooler summers as nomads, and gotten stuck or just decided to stay, or maybe had some early religious affiliations to it. There are lots of ways to make people move places that aren’t ideal.

There are less venomous animals, large game for hunting, water tends to be easy to find, and often wood for building is plentiful so if you have clothing and the ability to make fire then there are some possible benefits to living in cold north regions.

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