What made us settle on cow’s milk and chicken eggs as our standard milk/egg?


I understand that people also eat quail eggs, goat milk or etc etc due to geography (?) – but at what point and why did many settle on chicken eggs and cow milk?

Thank you

ETA: WOOAAAAAAH a great deal of responses here. thank you!!!!

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16 Answers

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You have it backwards. We didn’t settle on Cow’s milk and Chicken eggs. Instead we bred these animals to give us these products in the first place.

You see, both the bovine (cow) and chicken as we know them do not – nor ever did – exist in the wild on their own. We humans created these animals ourselves by generations of domestication and breeding. Cows come from an ancient extinct animal called an Auroch, and chickens come from a bird called the red jungle foul.

Since we have put so much effort into domesticating these animals over thousands of years to give us the highest yield, highest quality product, it only makes sense that we use them for this purpose.

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