What made us settle on cow’s milk and chicken eggs as our standard milk/egg?


I understand that people also eat quail eggs, goat milk or etc etc due to geography (?) – but at what point and why did many settle on chicken eggs and cow milk?

Thank you

ETA: WOOAAAAAAH a great deal of responses here. thank you!!!!

In: 16218

16 Answers

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It could also be noted that each of these animals fulfills a different need for the farm ecosystem of the past, where a farm needed to be almost self sufficient, and neither animal is depends solely on the food stuffs needed for the other. Both animals can forage. Cattle, especially bulls, can protect themselves and other animals nearby from most predators, but humans figured out ways to handle them pretty easily on our own. Chickens eat insects and pests around the house in addition to providing eggs and meat. Other farm animals can provide other services in addition to food supply as well, though most of that stuff isn’t needed in the modern world since it has been supplanted by something else, like pesticides.

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