What made us settle on cow’s milk and chicken eggs as our standard milk/egg?


I understand that people also eat quail eggs, goat milk or etc etc due to geography (?) – but at what point and why did many settle on chicken eggs and cow milk?

Thank you

ETA: WOOAAAAAAH a great deal of responses here. thank you!!!!

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16 Answers

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I don’t know why cows, but I know why chicken eggs are standard. Chickens are descended from red junglefowl. In the forests where red junglefowl originated, occasionally all the bamboo would drop edible seeds at once. So red junglefowl evolved to run their reproductive systems really excessively fast when there’s a lot of food around, to take maximum advantage of the bamboo seed crops. If you have a chicken and you feed it a lot, it’ll lay a lot of eggs because its biology thinks the bamboo seed crop just came in, and that means a lot of eggs for your kitchen.

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