What makes a lock harder to pick than other ones? Is it possible to make a lock “unpickable”?


What makes a lock harder to pick than other ones? Is it possible to make a lock “unpickable”?

In: Engineering

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s always a key of one form another, physical or virtual, that is needed to open any lock.

And ALL keys (every single one of them) can be replicated and duplicated. Some with more difficulty than others.

As Madonna famously said: you can’t have a lock without a key.

Or umm… wait… maybe she said, “I’ll be the lock, and you be the key,” or… ya… something like that.


Anyways, as I was saying, in the end: all keys can be replicated.

HOWEVER… there is one locking mechanism in the universe that might be the ultimate unbreakable lock: black holes!

So if you’re asking what is the best lock money can buy, then the answer is a black hole!

But even then super smart people might be able to break that lock! In that sense I guess that makes the brilliant physicists Stephen Hawking nothing more than a lock-smith, trying to pick the ultimate lock.

He may have found part of the solution with something called “Hawking Radiation”!

So if smart people are just now barely beginning to figure out how to pick the ultimate lock in the universe, then you can be sure someone will figure out how to pick your door lock soon enough!

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