what makes a voice sound pleasant/unpleasant?


I was listening to kpop (don’t judge) and I was wondering what specifically made the singer’s voice sound so pleasant, even though they were singing in a language I don’t understand. Is it something you can practice or is it simply something that you are born with?

In: Biology

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

With speech. There is a LOT of soft rules people expect. Some frequencys just dont clash togeather, and some people have a voice in those frequencies. Also things like wrong intonation for the setting. Or your formants are to weak.. Things like up talking or down talking to much. Which gets into the gender expectation problem there. Along with general feminine, masculine voices. We expect men to have bass, lower fundemental tone then women. Also harsh nasally tones and having thin peaks in your voice. In a loud setting, everyone sounds worse because you only hear the peaks and thus the voice sounds thin and grating…. And this gets into a problem. Is there a universal bias for some vocal tones more then others. That can be sexist, racist, etc And like most things, does this lead to prejudice, say if you are being hired for a marketing position

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