what makes a voice sound pleasant/unpleasant?


I was listening to kpop (don’t judge) and I was wondering what specifically made the singer’s voice sound so pleasant, even though they were singing in a language I don’t understand. Is it something you can practice or is it simply something that you are born with?

In: Biology

29 Answers

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There’s different factors that go into the answer. For example, someone who can sing every note in the right key will probably be more pleasant sounding. This is something you can work on.

There’s also the timbre of a person’s voice. Some voices resonate very well in the person’s body, and that can make the singing sound very pleasant. Most people will have a particular range of notes where their voice sounds very good resonating in their own chest and head. This is genetic, but by learning the range where your voice resonates well with your own body, you can improve this.

Similarly, your voice will resonate differently in different places, and you can improve this by picking a good place to sing. You’ll notice a lot of singers record home demos in echoing places like bathrooms and kitchens.

Finally, everyone has their own unique voice, and some people will just subjectively like the sound of certain voices. Some people love Bob Dylan’s voice, for example. Others hate it. This is hard to change, although you can adjust your own voice to some extent, or sometimes to a great extent. It just depends on the person.

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