What makes an object contaminated with radiation?


So I’m talking about something like Marie Curie’s notebook for example. It’s still highly radioactive, but why? What causes a non-radioactive object that’s been left in radiation to become radioactive?

Also does the same reason apply to all matter? If so, how are some items like surgical scalpels and even some food sterilized by ionizing radiation?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the type of radiation. Microwave, X-ray, Gamma Ray. I mean even light is a form of radiation. So are radiowaves. Try reading up on the electromagnetic spectrum. Radioactive elements emit more powerful forms of radiation. Also, it depends on the type of material it’s emited onto. Which is why you wear lead padding when getting an X-ray instead of notebook padding.

It’s been awhile since I’ve studied radioactivity. But it’s a broad and complex field of study. I hope this is ELI5.

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