what makes bipolar disorder different to having mood swings?


what makes bipolar disorder different to having mood swings?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mood swings have a cause such as hormonal changes or certain medications and occur rapidly and are short lived. They are not a diagnosis of their own.

Bipolar disorder is a cluster of specific symptoms, with the most well known being mood changes. These changes tend to last longer and are more complex in how they affect our actions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello, person with bipolar disorder here! The disorder is characterized by depressive and manic episodes. They last for weeks-months and even longer for some who have a more severe case. Mood swings are instantaneous or happen more quickly. Mood swings and bipolar are not similar in any way at all. This is a very common stereotype and misconception.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bipolar is not simply having mood swings. Another term for Bipolar Disorder is Manic-Depressive Disorder. It’s characterized by marked periods of severe depression followed by a manic state.