What makes human making typos? I don’t mean hurry or carelessness


EDIT I meant rather writos/misspellings eg. handwriting “earth” like “erath” without any particular reason or “czuwać” as “czówać” (“u” and “ó” sounds and meands the same in polish”). Sorry for mess

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why would you ask a question, and then automatically discount a huge chunk of the answer?

It can vary from situation to situation but muscle memory can be a big one, especially if you are switching to a different device. All the laptops I’ve used in the past all have really different spacing between the kids, primarily dependent on whether they have a number pad or not. It makes typing really odd when I’m getting used to a different keyboard as I keep trying to over or under reach for various keys.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the case of a word they do know how to spell, sometimes people get bored and unfocused because a task is so easy. This is a symptom of ADD/ADHD. It’s why I misspell my own name quite often. My brain is like “Oh come on give me a challenge!” and just leaves so I miss a letter. This is simply one explanation

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s many different reasons people spell words wrong.

Typos in English are usually particular to using a keyboard. It simply means you hit the wrong key.

spelling a word wrong while handwriting usually means that you don’t know how to spell it. Or in the case of swapping letters around like in your examples above, its often a result of adhd or dyslexia.

I’m dyslexic and will often put the right letters in the wrong place, unless I write very slowly. I write the word “the” as “teh” constantly, it happens with typing as well, “earth” as “erath” and so on..